Don’t forget starting 03.31.2018 we are NOW offering 2 Saturday morning classes. 8am and 9:15am. WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Bonnets) 1 mile Run, then any order- (Once you start an exercise you have to finish it) 50 Wall Balls 50 Power Cleans (75/55) 50/ 35cal Bike 50 Push Jerks (75/55) Then Run 800m,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: F Squat building WOD(Thrusters, Burpees, Pull Ups OH MY!) 4 Thrusters 6 Burpees 8 Pull-ups L1-135/95, CTB L2/M-95/65, bw L3-65/35, V-rows 10 Min AMRAP Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: B Squat 10.10.10. across WOD(Wait, I thought it said slurpees!) 15,12,9,6,3 TTB Burpee – each round ends with a 10/7 cal row/ bike L1- 30/20, TTB L2/M- 20/14, KTE L3- 14/ 10, Knee raise, squat thrust 15min Cap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Break) Team wod -Reps can only be completed when partner is “”holding”” the other position. 100 Cal row, while partner holds wall sit 90 Push-ups, other must hold Hollow rock position 80 Box Js, one must hold plank while other completes reps 70 Pull-ups, Partner holds plate...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: DL building WOD(Move it, or Lose it) 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 KB Swing KB Goblet Lunge (L+R=2) -5 Buprees AFTER each set of swings and lunges L1-62/44 L2/M-44/35, 3 burpees L3-35/18, 2 burpees 15min Cap -at the 20min mark- Invervals- 30sec/30sec shuttle sprints x 10 sets/ person (partner up)Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 7am -8:45 am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: HS Hold/ Practice WOD(Hammer) Team Wod OTMEM Both Partners do 3 Burpees Row 2000m 200 OH Plate (45/25) Lunges (L+R=2) 200 Hollow Rocks 35min Cap ...Read More