How do you track your success? The average exerciser measures their fitness success using one of the mostemotionally draining tools on the planet, the scale. If the number goes down there is a glimmer of hope that what you’re doing is working. If the number goes up then watch out, self-sabotage is only days away. I suggest you...Read More
Saturday night we had our first ever FitCamp Social/Movie night. Many thanks if you made it, we always love sharing new experiences with everyone at the studio. If you didn’t get a chance to drop in for the show here is a quick trailer of the movie we watched. (Be careful if your kids or boss...Read More
Join us this Saturday Night June 26th at 7pm-? for our FitCamp Social/Movie Night. Nick and I picked out a great movie that will give you a whole new perspective on training hard. BYOB and BYOC (bring your own lawn chair) b/c we will be projecting the movie onto the studio wall “drive-in style”. Dress is comfortable...Read More
Hello and happy FRIDAY! I’m pretty excited today because on Monday we start back up with our 7th Annual Summer BootCamp program. Each year when we start-up BootCamp I always think it can’t get much better than last year. This year however, is going to be INCREDIBLE. Nick and I have been conjuring up new programs and torturous...Read More
Nick and I just finished putting the magical touches on the first 3 WOD’s for Saturday. These workouts are a compilation of all things FitCamp and will be a blast to do and watch. We have never done these workouts in class so that should level the playing field for all athletes. Also, keep in...Read More
Join us for 3 hours or learning proper running technique, hands-on drills and practical skills for running faster and more effortlessly while preventing common overuse injuries… Learn more and register today! .Read More
“How I found Ultimate FitCamp” – By Gary O., (FitCamp Member Since… 1204 BC) “I am now in my late 40’s. Before FitCamp I was working out at a local gym. I was doing the things everyone else was doing with little results… most days riding the bike and watching T.V. I had always been...Read More
FitCampers! You may have already experienced that feeling of taking time off from FitCamp and coming back to the studio feeling like you never worked out a day in your life. There’s no worse feeling than sucking wind, wishing class was over, only to look at the board and realize you are just finishing the warm-up. When only weeks ago...Read More
Lisa L. joined FitCamp last summer and she is fast approaching her 1 year anniversary with us. The other day she sent me this e-mail and I had to share it with you. Hey Patrick, Had to share something with you. Stopped at Old Navy today, bought 3 mini skirts, but that’s not the cool...Read More
CAST YOUR VOTE! Be sure to post a comment casting your vote for your favorite workouts. The more you vote the more we’ll start incorporating your favorite routines. Today’s FitCamp: “10 Minutes of Torture” – (yikes! that sounds really bad) Max Burpees in 10 minutes Max Wall Balls in 10 Minutes Max Sprints in...Read More