Good luck to TEAM KAELA as they take on the Sunrise Ascent up Mt Washington for Adaptive Sports Partners of the North Country (ASPNC)! Before sunrise, on Sunday, August 7th, athletes and teams ascend the Mount Washington Auto Road, determined to reach the 6,288-foot summit of Mount Washington. Each team includes an adaptive athlete and a team of...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Mobility Day ] Run 1.5-2 miles or Row 3-4k or Air Dyne 4-5 miles (18min Cap) then: 1. LX Ball- 1 min/ side (6mins total) -Shoulder blades -Glutes -Feet 2. Foam Roll- 1 min/ side (11mins) -Calves -Quads -Inner Thigh -IT Band -T-Spine -Lats 3. Lower Body Stretch-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Rear stepping Lunge 10.10.10 building WOD: [ Upside Down Cake ] 15/12 Cal Row 30 Sit ups x 5 Rds (15min cap) L1- 30 sit-ups L2/M- 25 sit-ups L3- 20 sit-ups 15minRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Bench Press 10rm (TEST) WOD: [ Gerdinia ] Run 200m 15 P Jerks x 4 rds on 3 mins (if finish in under 3min= rest) (12mins) L1-115/80 L2/M-95/65 L3-150m, 65/35Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: P Clean across WOD: [ Mark ] 25-20-15-10-5 Box Jump KB 10 min cap L1- 24/20, 70/53 L2/M- 20/14, 53/35 L3- 14/plate, 35/18Read More