I am sure you’ve heard the news about our competitive training team. If not, this will help! We are putting together a competitive training team, for those who want to acheive specific goals within the sport of CrossFit and try to excel as much as they can. This team is going to be training together and working on...Read More
2 Min Max Double Under Test 2 Min Max Sit-up Test “Pull-in” 800m Run 30 Snatches (75/115) 800m Run 1 Round for time. Hollow Rock/Superman Combo 4 Sets (60/50/40/30) Post scores and times to comments. .Read More
Miss our Team Throwdown on the 16th? Nick uploaded about 40 quick video clips to our FitCamp YouTube page so head on over and check em’ out. Lots of good clips of some of the action that took place. Here is a short video of the first team workout… TUESDAY – 10.26.10 Back Squat on 2min...Read More
What a Throwdown! Congratulations to all the participants in this weekend’s Team Throwdown, it was an amazing event. The atmosphere was high energy, positive, and motivating, with everyone in their team colors ready for battle. It was a “let down your guard??? kind of day, where people worked together, bonded together, and really showed great...Read More
I came across this trailer for a movie called Food Matters and thought you may want to check it out. I am a firm believer that the more we know about the food we eat and how it affects our health the more emowered to change we become. Check out the trailer for the movie below. ...Read More
TUESDAY 10.5.10 – Teamwork Back Squat 15RM x 3 Tabata Air Squats “Team Pullin“ Partners will complete a 20min AMRAP consisting of pull-ups and 200m run in a tag-team format. Partner A will start with pull-ups completing as many reps as possbile while partner B sprints 200m. Partner B will then do pull-ups while...Read More
Last week we launched our brand new FitCamp Elements program with great success. A lot of you have asked about this program and how it is different than a normal FitCamp class. To best answer this question here is a letter from one of our first Elements graduates, Lynn. “I thought the Elements class was a really thorough...Read More
I met with Nick yesterday for our weekly programming meeting. We started talking about expectations in FitCamp and the importance of prescribed (Rx) weights for workouts. We also discussed who should be using Rx and who should be using non-Rx and how to properly determine the scaling (making easier/harder) for each member in class. One thing we realized...Read More
The studio is closed today for Labor Day. Looking for a great workout to do at home? Try one (or more) of the workouts below and post your time to comments once you finish: Vacation Workouts The following workouts require no equipment and can be done practically anywhere. Be sure to do an adequate warm-up...Read More