As a reminder, this Saturday is our CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! Please note our weekend schedule, thanks! –>Friday 9/25: 4PM ONLY, no other PM classes –>Saturday 9/26: no 9:15 class –>Sunday 9/27: Open gym 9:15-10:15 Athletes competing this weekend- Wondering what to do to prepare? Here’s what we recommend to our athletes: “Pre-Game” 1 Snatch 2...Read More
Congratulations to Lauren & Elaina for running the Kylee’s Kare Kits for Kidz 5K this past weekend! As a reminder, this Saturday is our CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! Please note our weekend schedule, thanks! –>Friday 9/25: 4PM ONLY, no other PM classes –>Saturday 9/26: no 9:15 class –>Sunday 9/27: Open gym 9:15-10:15 Athletes competing this...Read More
As a reminder, this Saturday is our CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! Please note our weekend schedule, thanks! –>Friday 9/25: 4PM ONLY, no other PM classes –>Saturday 9/26: no 9:15 class –>Sunday 9/27: Open gym 9:15-10:15 WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Clean Building WOD: [ Fully Charged ] 8min Amrap 2,4,6,8,10…. Box Jump Power Clean L1-135/95, 24/20″...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Snatch Building or OHS Building WOD: [ Brick Sandwich ] Run 800m – all out effort! (Cap at 4min) Rest remaining time until 5min mark 100 A Squats (5min Cap) Rest remaining time until 10min Mark Run 800m (Cap 4min) -score 800m, time for squats, 800m time L1-800m, 100 sqts,...Read More
Head on over to Ember’s today at 11am to run the 2nd Annual Kylee’s Kare Kits for Kidz 5K! Find out more details on their FB page HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Open Gym ] Open gym 9:15-10:15am. Buy-Out: Rest Day. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 3RM Jerk (Test#5) WOD: [ Regge ] 10 TTB 15 Push-ups 20 Plyo Lunges (L+R=2) x 5 rds L1- rx L2/M-KTE, inlcline Push-up L3-knee raise, knee Push-up, alt lunge 14min Cap Buy-Out:3 x “Ab 40” Routine -15 sec Hollow hold between each set “Ab 40″= 10 Crunches 10 L side Crunches 10...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Partner Wod ] 400m Tire Drag (45/25) 400m Farmers Carry (45/30) 400m Sandbag Run (40/30) 4 Prowler Down & Backs (230/140# on the sled) Row 500m between each task (250m/partner) Break up the order any way Buy-Out: Accumulate 1min in a HS Hold Read More
Congratulations to Brenda and Dave for taking 2nd & 3rd PLACES at the North East Masters Compeition this past weekend! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 3rm Clean(Full), touch and go (Test#4) WOD: [ Beta ] 3 Squat Cleans (@75% of your 3rm) 6 Burpees 6min AMRAP *try to hold on for UB Cleans Buy-Out: 3×10/ Side Db Row -15sec HS Hold Between...Read More
Congratulations to Alexiss and Sarah for taking 1ST PLACE at the CF Iron Spider competition this past weekend! TESTING WEEK CONTINUES TODAY WITH A STUDIO 5K! Over the next 6 weeks, we will be focusing on building our “engines!” If you can master the 5k, you will have the engine to be able to withstand...Read More