Next week we will be offering our EXP Kids camp Monday-Friday 10:30-11:30am. Lauren will be coaching our “Little Dragons” ages 4-7 and Stacey will be coaching our “Fire Breathers” ages 8-12. The camp will be FREE to everyone- this is a great way to have your friends and family try the classes. Give your kids...Read More
Next week we will be offering our EXP Kids camp Monday-Friday 10:30-11:30am. Lauren will be coaching our “Little Dragons” ages 4-7 and Stacey will be coaching our “Fire Breathers” ages 8-12. The camp will be FREE to everyone- this is a great way to have your friends and family try the classes. Give your kids...Read More
Next week we will be offering our EXP Kids camp Monday-Friday 10:30-11:30am. Lauren will be coaching our “Little Dragons” ages 4-7 and Stacey will be coaching our “Fire Breathers” ages 8-12. The camp will be FREE to everyone- this is a great way to have your friends and family try the classes. Give your kids...Read More
As a reminder, Valentine’s Day Sweet Treats will be available starting TOMORROW Thursday 2.12-Saturday 2.14! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Power Clean 5x3rm WOD: [ Kangaroo ] 15 Pull-ups 15 Jumping BB B Squat 30 Hollow Rocks x4 rounds L1- CTB, 65/45 L2-bw pull-up, 45/25 L3- Banded,bw Plyo squats Post scores in comments below.Read More
*ALL AM CLASSES ARE CANCELLED. OPEN GYM TONIGHT 4-7PM* Make sure to what this video to the end….are YOU doing the CrossFit OPEN? Sign up TODAY!! Be sure to make CrossFit EXP your Affiliate and Team! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: OHS 5x3rm WOD: [ Opens Wod 11.5 ] 20:00 AMRAP of: 5 Power cleans 10 Toes...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Come make up a workout from the week or work on a strength or skill! Post scores in comments below.Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Team WOD ] 1 Partner has to be in the “static” position for other partner to accumulate reps 10min AMRAP 2min rest between stations 1-Wall-sit Hold Row (Cals) 2-Plank Hold KB Swing 3-Static Hang Burpee Score as 3 separate WODs and total score Post scores in comments below.Read More
The Trussell family training for their crew team! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Front Squat 5×5 WOD: [ Crusher ] 10 F Squats 20 Sit-ups 40 D-unders 13 min AMRAP L1-155/105 L2-115/75 L3-65/45, singles x 2 Post scores in comments below.Read More
A behind the scenes look at our member Sue M- A sneak peak into her life as a Motocross racer! When asked to define her definition of success, Sue said “It used to be bringing home the trophy. Now, the definition of “success??? in racing has shifted.??? As she has introduced her son to the sport,...Read More