Congrats to coach Matt for an impressive 300# Clean & Jerk! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Power Clean 5x5rm WOD: [ Game Time ] 30-20-10 Burpee Power Clean L1-135/95 L2-95/65 L3-65/45, 1/2 burpees 10 min Cap Post scores in comments below.Read More
Thank you to everyone who contributed to the Super Bowl Squares! We were able to raise over $1000 for Team Maximus! Our EXP winner for the 1st quarter was Gary L! Congrats Gary! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Bench Press 5×5 WOD: [ Lime ] 1) For time: 50 KB swings 50 Push-ups 50 Pull-ups 50 P...Read More
ALL MORNING & EVENING CLASSES ARE CANCELED. Congratulations to Brenda, Dave, Christine & John for a great competition! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: OHS 5x5RM WOD: [ Gumbo ] 20:00 AMRAP: 30 Burpee Step-ups 20″ (alternate legs) 40 OHS 45/35# 50 Double-Unders L1-45/35OHS, 50 D-unders L2-35/25, 100 singles L3- Air squats, 100 singles Post scores in comments...Read More
SUPERBOWL SUNDAY! Here are some awesome healthy recipe ideas to try for tonight’s game! Enjoy! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Come make up a workout from the week or work on a strength or skill! Post scores in comments below.Read More
Good luck to our EXP Athletes competing at CrossFit Union’s Master’s Mid-Winter Madness today! For details on the comp, check out their FB Event page HERE! Come by to cheer on our athletes! Directions to CrossFit Union from EXP Heats and Times Leaderboard WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Madness ] Partner Wod- only 1 person working at...Read More
We are just 4 days away from the Super Bowl! Be sure to claim a square before this Saturday at 9am! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 2 min Drills ] 2 min drills Wall Ball Row (Cal) Hollow 1min/ Hover 1min Rest x 4 rds L1-20/14 @ 10ft L2-20/14 @ 9ft L3-14/10 @...Read More
There is a driving ban in effect beginning at 12am Tuesday. There will be NO CLASSES TODAY. Stay safe! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ At Home WOD ] 20min AMRAP: 10 Push Ups 20 Air Squats 30 Sit-ups Post scores in comments below.Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Come make up a workout from the week or work on a strength or skill! Post scores in comments below.Read More
From the members: “A year ago I made the decision to change my life and focus on my health and fitness and to date I’ve lost 60 pounds. Although losing the weight has been a major accomplishment for me, I can confidently say that what I have gained over this year is what I am...Read More