WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Squat 5m (Re-Test 1) WOD:(Opens Wod 17.1) 10 DB Snatches 15 Burpees over Box 20 DB Snatches 15 Burpee over Box 30 DB Snatches 15 Burpee over Box 40 DB Snatches 15 Burpee over Box 50 DB Snatches 15 Burpee over Box 20min CAP L1- 50/35, 24/20″ L2- 35/20,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come on in and make up a workout from the past week or work on a goat. Open gym hours are 7am -8:45 am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Unstuff-a-thon) In a team of 2 with only 1 person working at a time, complete the following tasks in any order or combination: 150 Pull-ups 200 Push-ups 250 Sit-ups 300 Air Squats 350 Double Unders (2x singles) 400sec Wall Sit (6min 40sec hold) 45min Cap L1- Toe Push-up,...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 4 x ME pull-ups on 2 mins, then 3-5 Pull-ups OTMEM x 4mins 12min total -Try to beat last weeks total volume Versions of Pull-ups= -Strict -Jumping Negative -Partner assisted -Aus. pull-up WOD:(Turkey) 10 Alt KB Gob. Step-ups 11 Burpees 12 KB Swings 13 Sit-ups x14min AMRAP L1- 70/53, 24/20″...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Speed Squat- 5.5.5. across @ 75% of 5rm -Goal is to move the weight as fast as possible, shoot for 5 reps in 8-10 seconds WOD:(Clown Pants) 10 OHS 300m Run x 5 Rds L1- 135/95 L2/M- 95/55 L3- B Squat, 200m run 15mins ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: HSPU- 4 ME sets on 2min then 3-5 reps OTMEM for 12min total OR Strict Press- 5@95%, 3@100%.1.1.1@105-110% -all % based off of 5rm WOD:(Latte) 30 D-unders 15 Pull-up 15 Wall Ball x 15min Amrap L1-CTB, 30/20 L2/M-BW, 20/14 L3-Aus. pl-up, 10/6 15min ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Double Trouble) Team of 2- 25 Wall Walks 50 TTB 100 Push-ups 200 Sit-ups 400m Tire Drag (45/25) 600m F Carry (53/35) 2000m Row 40min Cap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Thruster- building, start at 95% of 5rm, go up from there WOD:(Point) 7 DB Thrusters 7 DB P. Cleans 7 DB Burpee DLs x 7 Rds L1-50/30 L2/M-35/25 L3-25/15 16mins Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 4 x ME pull-ups on 2 mins, then 3-5 Pull-ups OTMEM x 4mins 12min total Versions of Pull-ups= -Strict -Jumping Negative -Partner assisted -Aus. pull-up WOD:(Draft ) 200m Run 12 power Snatches 12 Box Jumps x 5 Rds L1-105/70, 24/20 L2/M-75/55, 20/14 L3-KB swing (35/18), 14/ Plate, run 150m 14min...Read More