WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Alt OTMEM x 12mins A- 3rm Power Clean B- 3-5- Dips or HSPUs (Find a version that is challenging) WOD: [ Liberty ] 10 F squats 15 P Jerks 20 H P Cleans x 4 Rds L1-95/65 L2/M-75/55 L3-65/35 14min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Happy VDay <3 ] 20min AMRAP 25 Cal Row 20 Sit-ups 15 Box Jumps 10 TTBs L1- 24/20 L2/M-20/14, KTE L3-14/ plate, knee raise At the 25min Mark- 10min AMRAP of suicide line sprints with a partnerRead More
Snow Update! ??????No 5:15 or 6:30am classes! ??????8AM & 9:15AM classes are ON!! Along with the rest of our normal schedule today! Drive safe everyone! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: B speed Squat across -focus on “up” portion of the lift being as fast as possible, all 3 reps should take under 10 seconds...Read More
Snow update: All AM classes are ON. All PM classes have been cancelled. Stay safe! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Snow Day WOD ] 200m row 20 KB Swings 20 Hollow rocks 20 KB 1 arm CJs (10/side) 20 Push-up x 5 Rds 35mins Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: P clean and Jerk building WOD: [ DT ] 12 DL 9 hang Cleans 6 P Jerks x 5 Rds L1-155/105 L2/M-115/75 L3-96/55 10min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Back Squat 10.10.10 across -shoot for a little less weight then your 10rm, but try to hit the same weight for all three sets. WOD: [ Start ] 18,15,12,9,6,3 Box Jump TTB Burpee L1- 24/20, rx L2/M- 20/14, KTE L3- 14/ plate, Knee raise, squat thrust 15min CapRead More