Good Luck to our EXP Athletes racing the Bone Frog Challenge today!! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None WOD: [ Coach Dave Special ] You’ll have to show up to see what’s in store! Post scores in comments below.Read More
WOD & WINE was a great success! Thank you to everyone who came! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Rope Climb practice For 10 minutes either work on Rope climbing techniques or perform a 10 min OTMEM of 5-7 Strict V-rows WOD: [ Hancock ] 3 person Team 4,000m Row Max Sit-ups Tire Drag 300Ft (2...Read More
Congratulations to Angela for taking 2nd place at the Ashby 5K last weekend! SPRING HOODIE SALE! Get your hoodie while they last! –>Zip Ups $46 –>Pull Overs $36 WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Testing : Max Strict Pull-up WOD: [ HELEN ] 400m Run 21KB Swings 12 Pull-ups X 3 rds L1- 400m, 53/35, bw...Read More
It’s Testing Day! Be sure to come to class today to get your starting totals! You will be using these numbers over the next 6 weeks. **Remember to record your numbers on our testing white board. We also encourage you to keep a journal to log all your workouts!** WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: See...Read More
Happy Mother’s Day to all our strong EXP Moms! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come join coach Matt for Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Post scores in comments below.Read More
It’s BIRTHDAY WEEK for 3 of our awesome EXP Coaches: Lauren, Matt and Ryan! Be sure to give them a high five this week (and ask them to drop and give you birthday burpees!) Today’s the Day! EXP Ladies WOD & WINE Night! Be sure to arrive on time by 7pm sharp to kick off...Read More
Here’s the details about the awesome new program we mentioned that last week. We plan on kicking this off next Monday May 11th! Make sure you’re here next week for testing days- you won’t want to miss it! Strength: We will be testing strength movements next week and will continue to build on these over...Read More
Save the Date: September 26th, 2015! CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! RX, Scaled & Masters Divisions- More info to come!! Follow along on our FB Event Page HERE. WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Skill Day-HSPU, shoulder taps, Walking or 5 sets of a 10rm BB Shoulder Press WOD: [ Milestone ] Partner wod- Row 500m x 6 Run...Read More