Row-Vember was very successful! So what’s next you may ask??? Decem-Burpee! Yup, that’s right- December is all about the Burpees!!! Here’s how it works: –>Complete 2,500 Burpees in the “25 Days of Christmas” (100 Burpees/Day) –>Our studio goal is to complete 100,000 Burpees (that’s 40 people completing 2,500 burpees each) –>Any burpees we do in...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Rowathon) Row 21,097m as a team of 4. ***There are no scheduled classes today, the rowathon is in place of the 8am and 9:15am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Press Or Handstand Pushup Practice WOD: (Got to pee!) 50 D-unders 15 TTBs 25 Sit-ups x 4 Rds L1- 8/6 Ring M-ups, 20 GHDs L2- TTBs L3- sinlges x 2, Knee raises, 20 sit-ups/ rd 15minsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Getting low) Run 400m (or row 500/400) 40 Alt lunges 30 KB Sumo DL High Pulls 20 DB Alt Snatches 10 DB Man Makers, L+R= 1 X 4 Rds (40min cap) L1-KB-53/35, DB- 50/35 L2/M-KB-44/26, DB-35/20 L3-KB-35/18, DB-20/15 Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Power Snatch 1rm WOD: (Jackie) 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 30 Pull-ups L1- 45/35 L2- 35/25, Jump L3- 700m row, 25/15, V-row 10min Cap Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: L-sit on Paralettes Holds 5 sets of Max effort Hold on 2mins WOD: (Puff Power) 10 Push-ups/ HSPUs 10 Box Jumps 12 KB Swings 14min AMRAP L1- 10 HSPUs (deficite if wanted), 30/24, 80/62 L2- Push-up, 24/20, 53/35 L3- Knee, 20/14, 35/18 at the 16min Mark Plank Crankers 1min plank :30sec Side...Read More