WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: BB rear stepping lunge x 10 steps WOD: [ Subconscious ] 10 Back squats 10 Burpees over bar x 5 Rds L1- 155/105 L2/M- 115/80 L3-65/35, no jump over bar rest 4mins, 100 hollow rocks for timeRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Teams of 3, only 1 works at a time ] 6min AMRAP 2 min rest between rounds 1- Row (total cals) 2- Prowler push 90/50 (total lengths) 3- Atlas stones/ sandbags/ MBs 4- Air dynes (total distance) 5- Max TTBsRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Front Squat Building WOD: [ 3.2.1 ] 30 Double Unders 20 Push Ups 10 Power Snatches 10 min AMRAP L1: DUs, Toe Push Ups, 95/65 L2: Double Unders, Push Ups to Bench, 65/45 L3: 2x Single Unders, Knee Push Ups, 55/35Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Power Clean and Jerk WOD: [ Friction ] 30 KBS 40 Sit-ups 50 A Squats x 3 Rds L1- 70/53 L2/M- 53/35 L3-35/18Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 17.5 ] Come take another GO at OPEN WOD 17.5 or make it up if you weren’t in class Friday. Heats will go off between 9:15-10:15am!Read More
WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. WOD: [ in teams of 2, complete in order ] 1,000m Row 100 Burpees 1000m Row 200sec L-sit hold 1,000m Row 100 TTBs 1,000m RowRead More