WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 4 sets of ME Hang Strict L-sit, on 3mins (Test 3) -Hang in chair -L-sit with knees straight -L-sit with feel above hip height WOD: (Fran) Fran (Test 4) 21-15-9 Thruster Pull-up 10min Cap L1- 95/65 L2- 75/55, jumping L3- 65/35, V-rows -should be able to get the first set of...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Rowathon) Row 21,097m as a team of 4. ***There are no scheduled classes today, the rowathon is in place of the 8am and 9:15am. Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Palmary) 1 Mile Run 50 Hollow Rocks 5 Rope Climbs 800m Run 50 V-ups 3 Rope Climbs 400m Run 50 Mt Climbers/ side 1 Rope Climb 35min Cap L1- 5 laps 2.5 lap/ 400m, rope climbs L2- 4 laps/ 2 laps/ 300m, 2 x sit to stands with...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Push Press building or Split Jerk Complex 1 sec pause in bottom of Dip 1sec pause in the split/ catch 1sec pause at top x 3 Reps, x 5-7 sets build over 15mins WOD: (Furlong) 250/200m Row 20/15 Push-ups 20 Sit-ups x 15min AMRAP L1- 15/10 HSPUs, GHDSU L2- Toe...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: OHS across @ 90% of 5rm Or Snatch complex (listed below). Snatch complex- 5 sec snatch grip DL up 5 sec snatch grip DL down (eccentric) 1 Snatch 3 OHSs build over 16 mins WOD: (Stranger) 400m Run (or row) 21 KBs 15 Burpees x 3 Rds 16min Cap L1-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: 4 sets of ME Hang Strict L-sit, on 3mins (Test 3) -Hang in chair -L-sit with knees straight -L-sit with feel above hip height WOD: (Fran) (Test 4) 21-15-9 Thruster Pull-up 10min Cap L1- 95/65 L2- 75/55, jumping L3- 65/35, V-rows -should be able to get the first set of thrusters...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: BB Back Stepping Lunge 10 building WOD: (Loggerhead) of- Thruster TTB KB Swing L1- 75/55, 1/3rd the Bar M-ups, 53/35 L2- 65/45, TTB, 44/26 L3- 45/25, knee raise, 35/18 18min CapRead More