In the 2018 season, Peter was ranked 43 in the NorthEast and missed qualifying for Regionals by just a few spots. 2019 was HIS year! With his eye on regionals, Peter was more focused and determined than ever…..THEN came the announcement of BIG changes to the CrossFit Games in the 2019 season, which you can...Read More
“Hello all, I wanted to introduce our October Member Highlight this Month, Kathy Hayward. She is regrettably and excitedly leaving us after this month to move to NJ to be closer to her son and 2 grandsons, and we could not be happier for her and her husband Marty. At the same time we as...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Hang- Strict knee Raise Strict St. leg raise 5-10 reps with a 5 sec hold at the tip x 5 sets, rest 1:30-1:45 between sets 12 mins WOD: (Applesauce) 15 Pull-ups 20 WBs x 8 min AMRAP L1- 7/5 Bar M-ups, 30/20 L2- 20/14 L3- Jumping, 14/10 at the 10min Mark...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Squat 5rm (Re-Test 1) WOD: (Get steppin!) 200m Run 15/12 Pull-ups 10 DB Step-ups x 5 Rds L1- CTBs, 50/35 20″ L2- Pull-up, 35/20, 20″ L3- 150m, Jumping, BW 20/14″ 18min CapRead More
Just a reminder that they Oly Clinic with Mike Craven is THIS Sunday 10/14 at CrossFit EXP! Mike has been molding some of the BEST lifters around. Don’t miss this chance to work with him! Mike is the Owner and Founder at Aspire Athletic Performance. He is an amazing coach and athlete in the sport...Read More
Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot. I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...Read More
A big CONGRATS to our athlete, Anthony. He took on the Spartan Ultra Beast this weekend up at Killington. Congrats Anthony! STRENGTH: Pull-ups, 2 sets of ME, on 2mins, then OTMEM x 10mins -Hang- :20sec of the min -Chin over bar :20sec Chin over the bar – Strict 1-5 OTMEM -Strict CTB- 1-5 OTMEM On 2mins,...Read More
STRENGTH: Back Squat across at around 90% of your 5rm WOD (Carnegie): 4min ME WBs Rest 2min 4min ME Row for Cals Rest 2min 2min ME WBs Rest 1min 2min ME Row for CalsL1- 20/14 to 10ft L2- 14/10 to 9ft L3- 10/6 to 8ft Super Food September: Cinnamon Cinnamon has become one of the...Read More
STRENGTH: Bench Press across at around 90% of your 5rm WOD (Coupon): 20 Box Jumps 15 TTB 10 push jerks X4 rounds, 2mins rest in between rounds L1- 135/95, 5 bar M-ups or TTB L2- 95/65, Knee raise L3- 65/35, V-ups Super Food September: Flaxseeds Flaxseeds are not only a good source of fiber but also loaded...Read More