Good Luck to our EXP Athletes competing this weekend at CrossFit Tuff and CrossFit Hammermill! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Coach Dave Special! ] Join coach Dave at 9:15 for some fun! 10:30am: Mobility with Jenn!Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: L Sit Holds ME attempts, rest 1-2min between attempts Hold L Sit using- Rings Paralletes Boxes/ Benches WOD: [ Partner WOD ] Row 1,000m While Partner perfroms X, then switch until other teammate finishes the task, cant move on until both tasks are complete. X= 100 Sit-ups 100 KB Russian Swings...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Goat Day- Pull Choose 1 of the following and complete 4-6 reps OTMEM x10mins -Austrialian Pull-up -Negative pull-up -Strict Pull-up -TTB (sting together) -CTB Pull-up (Strict or Sting together kip) -M-up, Bar or rings WOD: [ “DT” ] 12 DL 9 hang Cleans 6 P Jerks x 5 Rds L1-155/105 L2/M-115/75...Read More
Kevin is an International CrossFit coach, who, before starting his world CrossFit tour, worked with Jason Khalipa at NorCal CrossFit. Having spent a lot of time with several elite level CrossFit athletes, including Jason, Neal Maddox and Dan Bailey, studied Strongman with Worlds Strongest Man competitor Derek Poundstone and Powerlifting with Ed Coan (the first...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Snatch (Full) Building WOD: [ Honey ] 30 B Squats 20 P Snatches x 3 rds L1-95/65 L2/M-75/55 L3-45/25 12minRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Rope Climb Practice- -Lay to stand -Climb 1/2 -Full Climb -Leg less -L-sit Climb WOD: [ TABATA ] Tabata 20s Work, 10s rest x 8 intervals Burpee Row Sit-up (ft. anchored) A-Dyne Hover (add Wt if needed) -Rest 1 min between intervalsRead More