Good luck to those competing this Saturday at RWL Memorial Weighlifting meet in Franklin Mass. WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Power Clean building WOD: [“Floyd” ] 30 WBs 15 DLs 20 WBs 10 DLs 10 WBs 5 DLs 15min Cap L1-30/20 to 10/9′, 315/ 225 L2/M- 20/14 to 10/9′, 225/155 L3- 14/10 to 9′, 155/105...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Snatch @90% across Or Strict Strength DL across, heavier then last week Superset with- L-sit hold ME between each set WOD: [ Sharpie] Row 1000m 100 Sit-ups Row 500m 50 Sit ups Row 250m 25 Sit-ups L1-rx L2/M- 800/80, 400/40,200,20 L3-600/60, 300/30,150/15 20min capRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: DL 12.12.12. across, as heavy as possible WOD: [ Run Happy ] 400m Run 21 P Jerks 400m Run 15 P Jerks 400m Run 9 P Jerks L1-115/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45 13 min cap Buy-Out:3 x 12 SLDLs w/ DBs by side , 45 sec hang between each set.Read More
This video beautifully captures exactly what CF EXP is all about; support, community & making each other better! Be sure to share your EXP Experience with your friends and family. Have them come in and try out classes with one of our 7-Day passes. ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Sumo Deadlift WOD: [...Read More
Congrats to September’s High Achievers! Those who have come to class 15+ times in the month! Dave H Sam E Kathy H Renee D Tim N Amanda F Eric W Meagan D Matt G Abby G Adam T ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. WOD: [ Partnered 100’s] With a partner complete the following,...Read More
Good luck to Deniel, Fergy & Nick K at the CrossFit 2A competition today! Be sure to SIGN UP for the EXP Kids Demo next Saturday! ……………………………… If you haven’t done so already make sure to head on over to our CrossFit EXP Facebook Page and LIKE US! ……………………………… WORKOUT Of the DAY: Skill/Strength: None....Read More