We will be running our normal schedule this holiday weekend! Join Coach Erik for his 8 Week EXP OLY CLINIC! Learn the keys to Olympic weight lifting and improving technique and strength! Coach: Erik Fagnant Start date: July 27th Runs: Tuesday and Thursday nights 7:30-9 EXTREMELY LIMITED SPACE, SPACE WILL GO FAST! Price: $149 for...Read More
We will be running our normal schedule this holiday weekend! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Pistols 5 reps/ side x 5 sets WOD: [ TABATA ] :20 on :10 off x 8 sets Row (total Cals) Mt Climber (total reps L+R=1) Tire Drag (45/25) 75′ (total cones, cones 15 ft apart) Sit-up, total reps -rest 1...Read More
Anthony WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Option 1- 3 Strict- HSPU OTMEM x 10min, add deficit if needed Option 2- Strict shoulder press building, on 2min WOD: [ Clean House ] 5 Hang P Cleans 5 Burpees x 7 Rds 10min Cap L1-135/95 L2-95/65 L3-65/35 Core Buy-Out:4 x 1min Wt Hover, harder version then...Read More
Tip WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: 2 FS + 2 Push Jerk x 5 sets on 3 minutes WOD: [ Max Effort ] 1 min ME F Squats 1min Rest 1min ME Row (Cals) 1min Rest x 3 rds 12min L1-115/80 L2-95/65 L3-65/35 Core Buy-Out:3 x 20 Arch Bodies, rest 1 min between sets Post scores in...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Option 1- OTMEM x 10min of- 1 Snatch DL to knees + 1 Snatch pull to hips+ 1 Full Snatch (Aim to build to 80% of 1RM) Option 2- OHS 10 Reps every 2mins x 10mins WOD: [ Get a Grip ] 300m Run 10 TTB x 5 rds 14min Cap...Read More
HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 18th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Coach Dave Special ] Join coach Dave at 9:15! Post scores in comments below.Read More
CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! **REGISTRATION NOW LIVE** RX, Scaled & Masters Divisions Teams of 2 *Teams consist of 1 male and 1 female Competition will consist of 3 guaranteed WODs, 1 floater and a Final WOD. REGISTER HERE NOW! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Squat Clean + Jerk OTMx10 (85-90% for 10 sets) WOD: [...Read More
We will be hosting a 6 WEEK EXP KIDS SUMMER CAMP beginning the week of July 6th! This is open to all Kids (non-members included!) Our EXP Kids classes combine gymnastics, body weight exercises, calisthenics and weight lifting fundamentals into a high energy, challenging and fun workout for kids grades PreK to 2 (Our “Little Dragons???) and...Read More