Sister Sister! Andrea & Genie-Rae spending some quality time together for a WOD! WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: OHS FS BS Add weight every set. Lift on 2 min. WOD: [ 10 x 10 ] 10 Wall Balls 10 Pull-ups X 10 rds L1: (20/14 # to 10'/ BW Pull-ups) L2: (14/10# to...Read More
Joha showing off "high elbows" in a good rack position Developing Strength for the L-sit with David Durante WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Deadlift SS w/ Max L-sit on rings or parraletts WOD: [ FOLD ] 12min AMRAP: 12 DL 12 Push-ups 12 V-ups L1: (185/135), Toe Push-Ups L2: (155/105), Incline Push-Ups L3: (115/80), Knee Push-Ups Buy-Out: BB...Read More
Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year. – Franklin P. Adams WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. WOD: [ TEAM WOD ] 800m Sandbag Run (50#) 150 Air Squats 400m Sprint 200 Double Unders (400 singles) 400m Sprint 150 Air Squats 800m Sandbag Run Only 1...Read More
Row, Row, Row your boat! WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: BB Back Stepping Lunge 10RM x 4 Sets WOD: [ MARY ] 5 HSPU (Wall, Knees or Toes on Box, DB Press) 10 Pistols (BW, MB, Bench) 15 Pull-ups (BW, Band, Jumping) 20min AMRAP Comapre to 9.26.13 Buy-Out: 10 x 100m Row, all out! Team Training: Max Muscle...Read More
Congratulations to everyone who raced this past weekend! Kris, Brenda & Mark at the Spartan Fenway Race Matt, Emily & Eric at the Spartan Fenway Race Lorie at Ironman Arizona WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: Complex- for max load: 1 Clean (power or squat) 2 Front Squats 1 Jerk WOD: [ Pull Ahead ] Row 1500m...Read More
Today is the day! Lorie's IRONMAN! 2.4m Swim- 112m Bike- 26.2m Run Lorie- from all of us at CrossFit EXP, we could not be more proud of you and all your hard work over the past year. You have been consistent, dedicated and focused! We send you our good vibes, happy thoughts, prayers, courage, strength...Read More
Good Luck to everyone racing the Spartan Fenway Race Today! Lydia & Joe making easy work of ring push ups. WORKOUT Of the DAY: Strength: None. WOD: [Fine Tuning] With a partner complete 3×8 min AMRAP Rest 4 min between rounds 200M Run Max HSPU (Or Strict DB Shoulder Press) 200M Run Max Burpee 200M...Read More
Upcoming Events at CF EXP: Saturday Novemeber 15th – November 30th: Canned Food Drive to support Ginny's Food Pantry. Saturday November 30th: 1/2 Marathon Row to support families in the Philippines affected by the Haiyan Typhoon. Details: Entry fee= $20/person. Donate online HERE or by cash or check the day of the event. -Individuals row 13.1...Read More
Upcoming Events at CF EXP: Saturday Novemeber 15th – November 30th: Canned Food Drive to support Ginny's Food Pantry. Saturday November 30th: 1/2 Marathon Row to support families in the Philippines affected by the Haiyan Typhoon. Details: Entry fee= $20/person. Donate online HERE or by cash or check the day of the event. -Individuals row...Read More
The rowing stroke can be divided into two parts: The drive and the recovery. The Recovery (Phase 1) Extend your arms until they straighten. Lean your upper body forward to the one o'clock position. Once your hands and the oar handle have cleared your knees, allow your knees to bend and gradually slide the seat...Read More