Reminder that tonight is our “Clean Eating Cookie Swap” from 6:30-8:30pm. –> There will be NO 6:30PM class tonight<– WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Push Jerks building WOD: (Shin breaker) 7 HPSUs 9 DLs 9 Box Jumps 12min AMRAP L1-225/155, 24/20 L2-185/135, Strict Press DB Press (35/25), 20/14 L3-135/95, Strict DB Press (25/15), 14/ plateRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Clean & Jerk Max (Test 5) WOD: (The Running Man) 400m Run 10 P Jerks x 4 Rds L1- 185/125 L2- 300m,135/85 L3- 200m Run, 95/55 14min cap Read More
Tell us a little bit about yourself? I am a wife, proud mother of two awesome adult children and grandmother of 3 amazing grandkids. What did you do before you joined EXP? Well, I have been here awhile in and off since the boot camp days at Doyle field. Patrick has never let me...Read More
Row-Vember was very successful! So what’s next you may ask??? Decem-Burpee! Yup, that’s right- December is all about the Burpees!!! Here’s how it works: –>Complete 2,500 Burpees in the “25 Days of Christmas” (100 Burpees/Day) –>Our studio goal is to complete 100,000 Burpees (that’s 40 people completing 2,500 burpees each) –>Any burpees we do in...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Press Or Handstand Pushup Practice WOD: (Got to pee!) 50 D-unders 15 TTBs 25 Sit-ups x 4 Rds L1- 8/6 Ring M-ups, 20 GHDs L2- TTBs L3- sinlges x 2, Knee raises, 20 sit-ups/ rd 15minsRead More