WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Row-a-thon) *Row 21,097meters for time. Congrats to all those who took on the challenge of November with our annual Row-vember. The goal of Row-vember is to row 100,000 meters in the month of November. We are going to commence our challenge with our Row-a-thon. The goal is...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Press 5rm or Strict HSPU max +3 ME sets(Re-Test 4) WOD:(Sugar Cookie) Max Wall Balls in 4min Rest 1 min Max Pull-ups in 3mins Rest 1min Max STOH in 2min Rest 1min Max TTB 1min 13min L1- 20/14, 115/75 L2/M-14/10, 95/65, KTE L3-10/6, Banded, 65/45, Knee raise ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: HSPU- 4 ME sets on 2min then 3-5 reps OTMEM for 12min total OR Strict Press- 5@95%, 3@100%.1.1.1@105-110% -all % based off of 5rm WOD:(Latte) 30 D-unders 15 Pull-up 15 Wall Ball x 15min Amrap L1-CTB, 30/20 L2/M-BW, 20/14 L3-Aus. pl-up, 10/6 15min ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back Squat 5.5.5. Across + 1 ME set, all sets at 90% of 5rm WOD:(Citron) 6 P Cleans 4 F Squats 2 P Jerk x 8min AMRAP L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45 Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Dip Max + OTMEM 3 ME Dip sets, on 2 min (at min 0, 2, 4 on the OTMEM timer) Then for another 8mins (12 total minutes) OTMEM 3-5 Dips (Add weight/ diffuculty as needed to achieve failure close to 5), shoot for more total volume then previous week Or...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Cleaver) Team Wod 40 HSPU 40 DB Step-ups 40 Pull-ups 40 Wall Balls 400m MB Run x 3 Rds L1-HS, 40/30, 20/14 L2/M- P Press 95/65, 30/20, 14/10 L3- P Press 65/35, 20/10, 10/6, run w/ no ball ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Dip Max + OTMEM 3 ME Dip sets, on 2 min (at min 0, 2, 4 on the OTMEM timer) Then for another 8mins (12 total minutes) OTMEM 3-5 Dips (Add weight/ difficulty as needed to achieve failure close to 5), shoot for more total volume then previous week...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Tommy Bahama) Partner Wod 400m Tire Drag (45/25) 400m Farmers Carry (45/30) 400m Sandbag Run (40/30) 4 Suicide runs, 5 cones (2 per person) Row 500m AFTER each task (250m/partner) break up the Tasks any order ...Read More