WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Pausing Front Squat 5 x 3 (3 sec pause at rock bottom) WOD: [ Shark Bite ] 20 KBS 20 Goblet Squats 4 Rounds 14 Min CAP L1: 70/53lbs L2: 53/35lbs L3: 35/18lbs Post scores in comments below. Read More
Today’s Workout: Strength: Deadlift 1RM “Tabata” – Perform 20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest for eight sets of each of the following exercises. Score = your lowest reps for any set of each exercise. Burpees Pull-ups Box Jumps Mt. Climbers Row Bicycles Paleo Challenge: Day 23 …Read More
Today’s Workout: “Renegade” 12 DB Squat Cleans (45/35lb DB) 40 yd Over Head Lunge (45/25lb plate) 24 Anchored Sit-ups 12 Renegade Rows (6 per arm) 25 min AMRAP Paleo Challenge: Day 12 …Read More
CAST YOUR VOTE! Be sure to post a comment casting your vote for your favorite workouts. The more you vote the more we’ll start incorporating your favorite routines. Today’s FitCamp: “10 Minutes of Torture” – (yikes! that sounds really bad) Max Burpees in 10 minutes Max Wall Balls in 10 Minutes Max Sprints in...Read More
A few months back a man came into the studio to talk to me about joining FitCamp. (To protect the inocent we’ll just call him “Cliff”). Cliff had heard about us from a friend and he wanted to stop in and see the studio and “find out what this FitCamp stuff is all about”. I gave Cliff a...Read More
Today’s FitCamp! “Dawn” – Complete the following exercises in order for time at the prescribed rep ranges below. Pull-ups Sit-ups DB Bench Press (55/30) BB Deadlift (135/95) K2E (Knees to Elbows) KB Clean (20/16) Reps: 21,18,15,12,9,6,3 .Read More
Last Week’s PR’s: (Great Job Everyone!) Max Deadlift – Jason 365, Bob S. 365, Dave D. 345, Kathy H. 145, Corinne 210, Todd 305, cathy J. 225, Dino 275. 2K Row – Sheri B. 9:26, Jared 6:59, Gary 7:23 “FRAN” – Tristan 3:23, Lydia 13:39 Rx’d HSPU – Angela x 1 500M Row – Bill...Read More
A little late with today’s FitCamp DD, sorry to leave you hanging! Today’s FitCamp! SuperSet: This workout is a Superset format where you complete 2 exercises back-to-back (1 min/exercise) for 10 minutes aiming to complete as many “supersets??? as possible. 1. KB Swings (16/20/24) + V-ups 2. Sumo Deadlift (45/75) + Push-ups 3. Shuttle Run (10...Read More
You will probably be as shocked as I am to read that the average kid in America spends 5.9 hours a day sitting in front of a TV screen, on the computer or playing video games. Yes, you read that right, nearly 6 freakin’ hours of tube-time. If you’re a parent with children between 5 and 18 then...Read More
Some people use weight loss and the scale to measure their fitness and health progress. Others use body fat testing and how their clothes fit. These are all great indicators of fitness but the true measure of how fit you are can be measured simply by personal performance. The FitCamp leader boards are a great...Read More