This will be some of the most simple advice you ever get about holidays weight gain. Don’t skip your workouts. How’s that for rocket science! 😉 But look, this is the time of year where most people fall apart. They get busy as all get out with parties and shopping. And I want you to...Read More
CALCIUM & BONE HEALTH: In the U.S. calcium intake is one of the highest in the world. We also have one of the highest rates of bone demineralization (osteoporosis). Bone mineral content is dependent not just upon calcium intake but upon net calcium balance (calcium intake – calcium excretion). Most focus upon the calcium intake...Read More
“Do you… Take Fish for a Nights Dinner or Learn how to Fish for a Lifetime of Dinners? This week, I am going to follow up with last weeks issue, injuries and what to do to avoid or deal with them. We all have imbalances, weaknesses or “issues” with our body. Maybe you have tight shoulders, hips,...Read More
Thursday many of us will celebrate one of our most treasured holidays, Thanksgiving. A wonderful day to sit down with family and friends and celebrate. Many of us (thanks to Tiff) will be having a Paleo-friendly day, below is a recipe for Paleo cranberry sauce that will go nicely with your beautiful free range organic...Read More
Follow-Up to Saturday’s Nutrition Seminar We had a great showing of 36 past and present FitCamp members at the Paleo Nutrition Seminar this past Saturday. If you were not able to make it this time, don’t worry- there will be more to come! Below you will find answers to the most common questions that were asked at the...Read More
There are 168 hours in a week. At most, you might spend 6 of those hours working out at the studio… That leaves 162 hours left for you to make decisions about your health. What are you fueling your engine with? Are you making conscious nutrition choices or basing food selection off of convenience? 80%...Read More
Our FitCamp for Kids PreSchool classes are just beginning to take off. Imagine what shape you would be in today if you had started a program like FitCamp for Kids when you were just 3-5 years old!! In today’s society it is SO important that kids learn the importance of exercise and eating healthy from a...Read More
Paleo Nutrition Seminar This Saturday, November 20th from 10:30-11:30am FREE to all Members and General Public. Bring your friends and family to discover the most simple yet effective nutrition plan for increased health, longevity and results and learn from our expert Paleo Coach Tiffany Thibodeau on how to make Paleo Nutrition a part of your life!...Read More
You may have heard the world “Paleo” buzzing around the studio lately and wondered what the heck is everyone talking about. Is this just another fad diet or the latest craze for rapid weight loss and shredded abs. Or is Paleo nutrition actually the real deal. Is simplifying the way we eat and getting back...Read More