
Member Highlights
“Hello all,  I wanted to introduce our October Member Highlight this Month, Kathy Hayward. She is regrettably and excitedly leaving  us after this month  to move to  NJ to be closer to her son and 2  grandsons, and we could not be happier for her and her  husband Marty. At the same time we as...
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Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot.  I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...
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Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? A couple things brought me into EXP, my friend (now husband) had started going to CrossFit in his area and was posting pictures of him lifting crazy weights and it peaked my interest. I knew Meg O did CrossFit and I asked her if I could try...
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Dave is a father, husband, successful business owner & in the best shape of his life approaching his 50th Birthday in September! Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? I joined 14 years ago when Patrick first started at Doyle Field and it wasn’t even Crossfit, it was Fitcamp. Nick was only 19 and...
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Meet Deb!  Deb is a newer member to the EXP Family but her amazing accomplishments in her short amount of time with us stand out to our coaches and fellow members!  Deb has lost 20 pounds since she started with us back in April for a 6 week trail.  She shows up, works hard &...
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Melissa has been a life long member of ours, 10 years to be exact!  Over that time she has increased her health and quality of life and we are so proud of her constant progress!  Meet Melissa! Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? First of all, I feel so honored that I have...
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Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? Being in the worst shape of my life weighing almost 270 lbs I knew I needed to make a change in my lifestyle. My Uncle, BJ Meunier, had been going to EXP for almost a year at the time and seeing his incredible progression motivated me to...
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What brought you into CrossFit EXP? Most of my life I had been involved in sports, and was always running and biking, but was looking for something more.  A friend & co-worker was a member at EXP and would always tell me about class, the lifts, and the workouts.  I knew it was something I...
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Cara brings a smile to everyone’s face she encounters at the gym.  Always the “best dressed” in class, she is positive, funny & encouraging to be around. Cara turns 70 years old next month and is in amazing shape! Her strength and mobility continue to improve and she is proof that you can start your...
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Jess is an amazing addition to our EXP community! She has been working very hard over the past year on her own personal fitness and achieving some great goals!  She is also 100% positive and fun to be around, her smile is contagious and she is always supportive of everyone around her!  Here’s what we...
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