WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Hang Power Clean building WOD( Opens Wod 14.5) 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Thruster Burpee L1- 95/65 L2/M- start at 18, 65/45, L3- start at 15, 45/ 25, 1/2 the burpees 20mins ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press building WOD(Wallace) 7 Box Jumps 10 Alt DB Snatches x 7 Rds L1- 24/20, 50/30 L2/M- 20/14, 35/20 L3- 14/ plate, KB Swing (35/18) 15min ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Cricket) Team Wod, only 1 works at a time 2000m Row 100 Box Jumps 100 KBs (53/35) 100 Hollow Rocks 100 Vertical Ring Rows 100 Burpees 100 MB Russian twists (14/10,L+R=1) ...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(Rotate) Partner Interval- 6min, Alt min with Partner, 1 min rest between stations Battling Ropes A Bike Hover PB Leg Curls Rest 2mins, entire class does Shuttle Runs x 10mins ...Read More
========== ATTENTION: Open Coaching Positions Available ============ CrossFit EXP is now accepting applications to create an eligibility list for the positions of “EXP Kids Coach”. We are seeking fitness professionals who are truly passionate about helping kids learn the benefits of proper exercise form, technique and execution. Applicant must genuinely love working with kids and...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: CJ 1rm (Re-Test 1) or BB Front Squat Superset with 10 DB shoulder presses WOD(Determination) 21-15-9 Power Cleans F Squats HSPU L1-155/105 L2/M-95/55, DB press 35/20 L3-75/45, DB Press 20/12 ...Read More
Jess is an amazing addition to our EXP community! She has been working very hard over the past year on her own personal fitness and achieving some great goals! She is also 100% positive and fun to be around, her smile is contagious and she is always supportive of everyone around her! Here’s what we...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD(NYE) Team of 2 New Years eve Wod- 12 Exercises (12 months) 31 reps (31 days in a month) 31 HSPU (or 15 Wall Walks) 31 WBs (20/14) 31 TTBs 31 DB Thrusters (45/30) 31 Burpees 31 KB Swings (53/35) 31 Push-ups 31 Box J’s (24/20) 31...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Skin the Cats on rings 3-5 reps – strict Knee raise, 1 sec up, 3 sec down – Kip up, down slow – Kip up, around, then down slow – Strict skin the cats….. 5 sets on 2.5mins of the version that they choose WOD(Fresh cut flowers) Intervals...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: OHS building or B Squat WOD:(Goal Digger) 10 Pull-Up 10 B Squat 20 Push-ups 20 Sit-up x 4 Rds L1- CTB, 155/105, GHDs L2/M-bw, 115/80 L3-65/35 15mins ...Read More