HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 11th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Strict Press Building (compare to 6 weeks ago) WOD: [ Cluster ] 6 Clusters (squat clean thruster) 12 Lat. Bar Hops (L+R=1) x 8 rounds 10 min Cap L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45 Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min – WOD time...Read More
Congrats to Ry and his partner Kelly on their 1st Place finish! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Re-Testing: Max Strict Pull-up WOD: [ Helen ] 400m Run 21KB Swings 12 Pull-ups X 3 rds L1- 400m, 53/35, bw L2/M-300m, 44/26, bw L3- 200m, 35/18, Banded 15min Cap Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min – WOD time Post...Read More
Re-Testing Day! Get after it! Be sure to write your new scores on the white board next to your old ones! We want to see how everyone is improving! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: N/A WOD: [ Re-Testing Day 1] Power Lifting Total 15min to find each Max- B Squat Bench Press DL 45min Post...Read More
FREE DEADLIFT CLINIC TODAY! 10:30-12:30! See you there! Kevin is an International CrossFit coach, who, before starting his world CrossFit tour, worked with Jason Khalipa at NorCal CrossFit. Having spent a lot of time with several elite level CrossFit athletes, including Jason, Neal Maddox and Dan Bailey, studied Strongman with Worlds Strongest Man competitor Derek...Read More
Kevin is an International CrossFit coach, who, before starting his world CrossFit tour, worked with Jason Khalipa at NorCal CrossFit. Having spent a lot of time with several elite level CrossFit athletes, including Jason, Neal Maddox and Dan Bailey, studied Strongman with Worlds Strongest Man competitor Derek Poundstone and Powerlifting with Ed Coan (the first...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Pistol Practice -Practice 8-10 reps per side of either: -Step-ups -Assisted pistols with Rope/ band -Pistols to target (MB or step) -Pistols (Full) WOD: [ Gourmet ] Row 1,000m (4min Cap) 100 Squats Tire Drag 300m Run 800m (4min Cap) 180sec cumulative Hover 22min Cap Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min-WOD time...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Pull-up 2-3 reps OTMEM x 10mins, with a pull-up version that is more challenging then your previous 3 weeks WOD: [ Fennel ] 10 Burpees 10 Box Jumps 20 Sit-ups x 5 Rds L1-24/20, Strict Sit-up L2/M-20/14, Butterly Sit-up L3- 14/ Plate, DB anchored sit-up 14min Cap Cardio Buy-Out: 30...Read More
Congratulations to all our EXP Athletes who kicked butt at the CF Nashua comp this weekend! Great job all around! We are very excited to have international CrossFit Coach Kevin Don host a FREE Deadlift Clinic this Saturday 6/13 10:30-12:30 at CrossFit EXP! This will be perfect timing before re-testing our max Deadlift the following...Read More
Kevin is an International CrossFit coach, who, before starting his world CrossFit tour, worked with Jason Khalipa at NorCal CrossFit. Having spent a lot of time with several elite level CrossFit athletes, including Jason, Neal Maddox and Dan Bailey, studied Strongman with Worlds Strongest Man competitor Derek Poundstone and Powerlifting with Ed Coan (the first...Read More