
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Al Fresco) 1 Mile Run (5 laps) 50 Kettlebell Swings 100 Lunges 800m Run (2.5 laps) 40 Kettlebell Swings 80 Lunges 400m Run (1 lap and to the cone) 20 Kettlebell Swings 40 Lunges 35 min cap L1- 70/53 L2-53/35 L3-35/18
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WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Climbing the walls) Partner WOD 2 laps running, alternate 20 Burpee Devils press 200m F Carry (50/35) 10 Wall Walks 10 rope climbs 30min AMRAP
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Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot.  I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...
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STRENGTH: Pull-up- Pick 1 version above your current level, and perform 5-6 sets with around a 2min rest between each set . Hang> Spotted chin over bar -hold for 20-30sec/ Rd) Chin Over bar> Negatives- 3-5 reps with a 3sec negative Strict> (More reps or weighted (5-20lbs) – 3-5 reps CTB> Weighted (5-25lbs)- 3-5 reps or...
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STRENGTH: DL across at around 90% of your 5rm   WOD (A piece of cake): 10 DB Hang Squat Clean 10 Burpees x 10min AMRAP L1- 50/35 L2- 30/20 L3- 15/10, 5 burpees Super Food September:     
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A big CONGRATS to our athlete, Anthony.  He took on the Spartan Ultra Beast this weekend up at Killington.  Congrats Anthony! STRENGTH: Pull-ups, 2 sets of ME, on 2mins, then OTMEM x 10mins -Hang- :20sec of the min -Chin over bar :20sec Chin over the bar – Strict 1-5 OTMEM -Strict CTB- 1-5 OTMEM On 2mins,...
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STRENGTH: Pull-up (Test) (Test 5) -Hang -Chin over bar – Strict -Strict CTB On 2mins, score is best set (usually 1st or second set) WOD:(Brain Drain) Run 200m 15 TTBs 10 DB Squat Cleans -Rest exctly 60 secs. after each round x 4 Rds L1- 50/ 35 L2- Knee raise, 30/20 L3- 150m, V-up, 20/12 Super...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Pace Maker) With a partner,  relay style- 1) 10min AMRAP- 10/7 Cal Row 10/7 Push-ups rest 3mins 2) 10min AMRAP- 150ft Tire Drag (54/35) 150ft Farmers Carry (70/53) Rest 3mins 3) 10min AMRAP- 20 D-unders 20 Mt climbers (L+R=2)   Superfood September: Garlic Yes, it might leave breath less-than-desirable, but these cloves can...
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STRENGTH: Back Squat 5rm (Test 1) WOD:(Grace and her cousin) Grace (Test 2) Rest until the 10min Mark, then start OTMEM Min 1- 15/ 12 pull-ups Min 2- 15/12 cals on BIke x 5 Rds 20mins L1- 135/95, 5/3 M-ups, 20/15 cals L2- 105/65, 15/12 cals L3- 75/45, 10/7 cals   Superfood September:  Egg  A relatively...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Expo) with a partner- Run 400m x 8 alternating, each transition you have to do 40 air squats before you can run again Row 500m x 8 alternating, each transition you have to do 30 Hollow Rocks before you can row again 35mins L1- 400m/500m, 40 air squats, 30 Hollow Rocks L2/M- 300m/400m,...
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