WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Push Jerk building to 80% of 1rm WOD: [ Transport ] Row 1,000m 50 Wall Balls 50 Push-ups 12min Cap L1-20/14 to 10′, TTB L2/M-14/10 to 9′, incline push up, KTE L3-row 800m, 10/6 to 8′, knee push-up, knee raise Buy-Out: A) 4 x Ab 40 on the PB- “Ab 40″=...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Clean building to 80% 1rm WOD: [ Rush ] 5 F Squats 6 Lateral Bar burpees x 10 rds 14min Cap L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45, no bound over bar Buy-Out: A) 4 x 15DB Row, heavier then 2 weeks ago B) 4x35sec HS hold between each setRead More
De-Load week. Work to 80% effort this week on strength/skill work. We will be re-testing next week! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Dip Max + OTMEM 3 ME Dip sets, on 2 min (at min 0, 2, 4 on the OTMEM timer).Then for another 8mins (12 total minutes) OTMEM 4-5 Dips (Add weight/ difficulty as needed to achieve...Read More
Normal Schedule for Columbus Day! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Snatch building to 80% 1rm or OHS building to 80% of 1rm WOD: [ Dance Off ] 20 Hang power cleans 30 Sit-ups 40 Air Squats X 3 rds 14min Cap L1-95/65 L2/M-75/55 L3-65/35 Buy-Out: A) 3 x 20 PB Hyper extensions B) 4 x 35Sec...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ Laser ] Team of 2- Run 800m (4min Cap) while Partner does 160 D-unders, then switch Then Run 800m While Partner does 80 Sit-ups , then switch Then Run 800m While Partner does 40 Box J’s, then switch Then Run 800m While Partner does 8 Rope Climbs (or 40...Read More
Come by EXP TONIGHT from 4:30-7:30pm to chat with our SFH sales rep! He will be in house to pass out samples of new products & answer questions! Come on by! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Clean Across WOD: [ Rack It ] 10 F Squats 10 Push Jerks x 7 Rds 12min Cap L1-95/65...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH:Dip Max + OTMEM 3 ME Dip sets, on 2 min (at min 0, 2, 4 on the OTMEM timer) Then for another 8mins (12 total minutes) OTMEM 3-5 Dips (Add weight/ difficulty as needed to achieve failure close to 5), shoot for more total volume then previous week Or Close Grip Bench...Read More