CF EXP Co-Ed Throwdown! **REGISTRATION NOW LIVE** RX, Scaled & Masters Divisions Teams of 2 *Teams consist of 1 male and 1 female Competition will consist of 3 guaranteed WODs, 1 floater and a Final WOD. Scaled & Masters Standards: Single Unders Deadlift (185/115) Clean and Jerk (95/65) KBS (53/35) Wall Balls (14/10) Box Jumps...Read More
Summer Sale! We are clearing out apparel to make room for new! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: F Squat building WOD: [ Four ] on 4 mins- Run 400m 40 Squats x 3rds, remaining time of each round is rest, record 3 split times L1- 400m run, 40 squats L2/M-300m run, 30 squats L3-200m...Read More
Testing Day 2! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Max Strict HSPU (1 abmat or less) -or- ME Strict Shoulder Press Men-95 or 65 Women-65 or 45 WOD: [ DT ] 5 rounds of- 12 DL 9 Hang P. cleans 6 Push Jerks 12min Cap TT, MC-155/105, 135/95 L1-155/105 L2/M-115/80 L3-95/55 Core Buy-Out:3 x 1min Superman holds Post...Read More
We are starting our next 6 week cycle and today is OLY TESTING DAY! Get ready to move some weights and be sure to record your starting scores on the whiteboard! We will also be incorporating a CORE strength buy-out each day. The goal is to strengthen your mid-line which will help both within your...Read More
Happy Father’s Day! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ OPEN GYM ] Come join coach Matt for Open Gym 9:15-10:15am. Post scores in comments below.Read More
HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 11th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: None. WOD: [ 9:15 Sweat-fest ] Join us at 9:15 with our surprise coach! Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min – WOD time Post scores in comments below.Read More
HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 11th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: B Squat Building WOD: [ Monkey Bars ] 30 D-unders 10 TTB 8min AMRAP L1-TTB, D-und L2/M-1/2 D-unders, Knee Raise L3- Singles x2, Bench Roll-ups Cardio Buy-Out: 22 min Post scores in comments below.Read More
HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 11th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Rope Climb practice For 10 minutes either work on Rope climbing techniques or perform a 10 min OTMEM of 5-7 Strict V-rows WOD: [ Partner WOD ] 20min AMRAP -400m tire Drag buy in, then AMRAP with...Read More
HANDSTAND PUSH UP CLINIC WITH COACH RYAN Saturday July 11th 10:30-12:oo $20.00/person. Register HERE! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Strict Press Building (compare to 6 weeks ago) WOD: [ Cluster ] 6 Clusters (squat clean thruster) 12 Lat. Bar Hops (L+R=1) x 8 rounds 10 min Cap L1-135/95 L2/M-95/65 L3-65/45 Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min – WOD time...Read More
Congrats to Ry and his partner Kelly on their 1st Place finish! WORKOUT OF THE DAY: STRENGTH: Re-Testing: Max Strict Pull-up WOD: [ Helen ] 400m Run 21KB Swings 12 Pull-ups X 3 rds L1- 400m, 53/35, bw L2/M-300m, 44/26, bw L3- 200m, 35/18, Banded 15min Cap Cardio Buy-Out: 30 min – WOD time Post...Read More