WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Agility) Teams of 2, only 1 working at a time: 1min/partner x 3 Rd/per (6min/ station) 2min rest between stations 1) Sledge Hammer hits 2) Tire Drags (45/25), as far as possible 3) Battling Ropes, as many hits as possible 4) 150′ Shuttle runs (75′ out and back)...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Everything) Team Wod 300m Tire Drag (45/25) 200 D-unders 100 KB SDLHPs (53/35) 100 Hollow Rocks 100 Cal bike or row 100 Leg Tosses 100 KB SDLHPs 200 D-unders 300m Tire DragRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Great Dane) Partner Wod- 2x 150m Walking Lunge while other does ME KBS 2x 300m Sandbag carry (60/40) while other rows for ME cals 2x 300m F Carry (53/35 Kbs) while partner bikes ME Cals -Score is overall time minus total reps (in sec) of KB+Cals (row)+Cals (Bike) 40min...Read More
****4th of July SCHEDULE: All morning classes & Nooners (5:15, 6:30, 8:00 & 9:15AM, Noon) are ON! Evening classes (4:00, 5:15 & 6:30pm) are CANCELLED! Enjoy the holiday! WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: HSPUs, x ME or Strict Press WOD: (Dalmation) 20min AMRAP 200m Run 10 Burpees 20 DB Alt Snatches 40 Sit-ups L1-...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Back stepping Lunge 10 alt steps WOD: (Poodle) 7 F Squats 10 Pull-ups x 5 Rds L1- 185, 135, CTBs L2- 135, 95 L3- 75/55, jumpingRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Strict Press Across WOD(Eggs) 3min AMRAP, rest 1min between Run 400m (sub 2mins) then with remaining time- -ME Pull-ups -ME Cals A. Bike -ME Pull-ups -ME Cals A Bike L1- 400m, Pull-ups L2/M-300m, strict pull-up (1/2 the reps) L3- 200m run, V-rows Read More