WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press for Speed Build to 60-70%% of your 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. WOD:...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Speed squat Build to 60-70%% of last weeks 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. of...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Al Fresco) 1 Mile Run (5 laps) 50 Kettlebell Swings 100 Lunges 800m Run (2.5 laps) 40 Kettlebell Swings 80 Lunges 400m Run (1 lap and to the cone) 20 Kettlebell Swings 40 Lunges 35 min cap L1- 70/53 L2-53/35 L3-35/18Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press Start your 5rm at around 5% less than your testing weight, and then ramp up. WOD: (The final element) 40-30-20-10 Med Ball Squat Clean Push-Up* TTB (1/2 the reps) L1-30/20, 1/2 Dips L2-20/14, KTE L3- Start at 30, 14/10, Knee, 1/2 V-Ups *Women go 30,21,15,8 on push ups...Read More
Congratulations to our podium finishers, but a huge CONGRATS to ALL who participated in our internal competition. STRENGTH: Pull-up OTMEM: Choose your pull-up version and complete 3-5 reps on the min every min. if a static version, work the first 15-20sec of each minute. WOD (Can’t stop, won’t stop): Run 200m 12 Thrusters 10/8 Pull-ups...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY: WOD: [ Internal Comp ] There will be NO open gym as we have our internal comp. Come on down and cheer on your fellow EXP members as they compete and some fun filled workouts. For those competing in the Internal Comp please see the schedule below: Please plan to...Read More
Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot. I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...Read More
STRENGTH:NONE WOD (Getting close): Team Wod Bike 3 miles 100 KB Swings (53/35) 100 Push ups Bike 2 miles 100 MB toss partner Sit-ups (20/14) 75 Push-ups Bike 1 mile 100 MB Squat Cleans (20/14) 50 Push-ups Super Food September: Citrus Fruit Citrus contains flavonoids, plant compounds that may promote heart health. Antioxidant-rich red grapefruit helped...Read More
STRENGTH:NONE WOD (10 minutes of Heaven): Partner Wod 10min ME Burpee Box Jumps rest 3mins 10min ME SB Get-ups rest 3mins 10min ME D-unders L1- 24/20, 60/40, D-unders L2- Burpees, 40/20, D-unders L3- Burpees, 20/bw lunge, singles Super Food September: Fermented Foods The trillions of tiny creatures living in our bodies have been making headlines...Read More