
What are your goals for 2011? Have you given them any thought? Do you have any or even believe goal setting works for you?  Every year I set goals for the upcoming year. Business goals, financial goals, health goals and even random goals like certain house projects I want to finish or places I want to go. Whether or...
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Kipping vs. Strict Pull Up? Stacey rockin some Butterfly pull-ups! Hello all, For anyone who was here Tuesday, we did STRICT pull ups for the first time in a long time, and the question was asked “why do we do KIPPING pull-ups?”. There are many reasons for it: –More full body. Your body is stronger...
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Hey guys, a quick one today but filled with great information, check out this link https://mobilitywod.blogspot.com/. It was created by Kelly Starrett DPT, who is amazing at solving everyday injuries and dealing with mobility issues, with a witty personality and off beat humor in his presentation of the facts. He is blogging once a day...
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Which is better for fat loss, Paleo or ProGrade? My answers… neither and both. This question has been asked numerous times over the past few weeks and it’s time to set the record straight.  NEITHER of these two nutritional options is better than the other.  In fact comparing the two would be much like trying to compare apples...
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What is the “Afterburn” and why is it so important for fat loss? To put it simply the afterburn is the rate at which your body burns fat AFTER you workout.  Most people believe the real fat loss happens while the sweat is still beading off your forehead but that couldn’t be futher from the truth. It...
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I want to start off by saying that Tiffany, Karen, Patrick and I have seen some huge improvements in members strength over the past few months.  As a community we are all getting so very fit.  It’s inspiring to see from a coaches perspective.  Keep showing up to class, working hard and you will be amazed at how your...
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If you are the person responsible for the family meals you dread hearing that very question day after day. Luckily, we have so many resources available on the internet, one that has been particularly useful for me is Everyday Paleo (https://everydaypaleo.com/). The creator of this blog is a Mom (Sarah Fragoso) who cooks Paleo for...
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This will be some of the most simple advice you ever get about holidays weight gain. Don’t skip your workouts. How’s that for rocket science! 😉 But look, this is the time of year where most people fall apart. They get busy as all get out with parties and shopping. And I want you to...
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CALCIUM & BONE HEALTH:  In the U.S. calcium intake is one of the highest in the world.  We also have one of the highest rates of bone demineralization (osteoporosis).  Bone mineral content is dependent not just upon calcium intake but upon net calcium balance (calcium intake – calcium excretion).  Most focus upon the calcium intake...
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“Do you… Take Fish for a Nights Dinner or Learn how to Fish for a Lifetime of Dinners? This week, I am going to follow up with last weeks issue, injuries and what to do to avoid or deal with them. We all have imbalances, weaknesses or “issues” with our body.  Maybe you have tight shoulders, hips,...
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