WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press for Speed Build to 60-70%% of your 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. WOD:...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Speed squat Build to 60-70%% of last weeks 1rm, then-,4 . -Goal is to perform these reps in under 4 seconds,be as fast and explosive as possible on the way up as you can. If you feel “slow”, lighten up the weight so that the bar moves fast. of...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Al Fresco) 1 Mile Run (5 laps) 50 Kettlebell Swings 100 Lunges 800m Run (2.5 laps) 40 Kettlebell Swings 80 Lunges 400m Run (1 lap and to the cone) 20 Kettlebell Swings 40 Lunges 35 min cap L1- 70/53 L2-53/35 L3-35/18Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (Climbing the walls) Partner WOD 2 laps running, alternate 20 Burpee Devils press 200m F Carry (50/35) 10 Wall Walks 10 rope climbs 30min AMRAPRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: DeadLift Start your 5rm at around 5% less that your testing weight, and then ramp up. WOD (Get it done!) 30/22 Cal Row 30 Sit-ups 20 SB Step-ups x 5 Rds L1- 60/40, 20″ L2- 40/20, 20″ L3- 20 reps of all, no weightRead More
Congratulations to our podium finishers, but a huge CONGRATS to ALL who participated in our internal competition. STRENGTH: Pull-up OTMEM: Choose your pull-up version and complete 3-5 reps on the min every min. if a static version, work the first 15-20sec of each minute. WOD (Can’t stop, won’t stop): Run 200m 12 Thrusters 10/8 Pull-ups...Read More
Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot. I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...Read More
Our very own Tip, still getting her workouts in while in Paris for work. WTG girl! STRENGTH: Bench Press at at 105-110% of 5rm WOD (Honey Buns): 1min Max Cal Row 1min Rest x 5 Sets rest 3mins 1min Max Sit-ups 1min plank 1min Max Russ. Twists 1min plank 1min Max Hollow Rocks 1min plank...Read More
STRENGTH: Pull-up- Pick 1 version above your current level, and perform 5-6 sets with around a 2min rest between each set . Hang> Spotted chin over bar -hold for 20-30sec/ Rd) Chin Over bar> Negatives- 3-5 reps with a 3sec negative Strict> (More reps or weighted (5-20lbs) – 3-5 reps CTB> Weighted (5-25lbs)- 3-5 reps or...Read More