“Hello all, I wanted to introduce our October Member Highlight this Month, Kathy Hayward. She is regrettably and excitedly leaving us after this month to move to NJ to be closer to her son and 2 grandsons, and we could not be happier for her and her husband Marty. At the same time we as...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Jerk Complex (Jerk Complex): 3 Strict Press+ 2 Push Press+ 1 Push Jerk Building over 15mins -when building, if strict press fails early, continue with 3 Push Press and 1 P Jerk until failure. WOD: (Press it!)…… B Squat TTB 10min AMRAP L1- 155/105, TTB L2- 115/80, KTE L3-95/55, knee...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Hang- Strict knee Raise Strict St. leg raise 5-10 reps with a 5 sec hold at the tip x 5 sets, rest 1:30-1:45 between sets 12 mins WOD: (Applesauce) 15 Pull-ups 20 WBs x 8 min AMRAP L1- 7/5 Bar M-ups, 30/20 L2- 20/14 L3- Jumping, 14/10 at the 10min Mark...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: OHS across @ 90% of 5rm Or Snatch complex (listed below). Snatch complex- 5 sec snatch grip DL up 5 sec snatch grip DL down (eccentric) 1 Snatch 3 OHSs build over 16 mins WOD: (Stranger) 400m Run (or row) 21 KBs 15 Burpees x 3 Rds 16min Cap L1-...Read More
Don’t forget to wear your Halloween costume tomorrow for our workout!!! WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Single Leg DLs w/ BBs 6/ side, 5-6 sets WOD: (Don’t drop the pumpkin) 400m Pumpkin Run 30 Pumpkin Squat Cleans 20 Pumpkin Sit-ups x 4 Rds L1- 30/20# pumpkin L2- 300m ,20/14# pumpkin L3- 3 rounds, 200m,14/0# pumpkin, 25min...Read More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: BB Back Stepping Lunge 10 building WOD: (Loggerhead) of- Thruster TTB KB Swing L1- 75/55, 1/3rd the Bar M-ups, 53/35 L2- 65/45, TTB, 44/26 L3- 45/25, knee raise, 35/18 18min CapRead More
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: NONE WOD: (For James Blackwell) About 20min Cardio- 5min Bike 1min rest 5min Row 1min Rest 5min Run or JR “Pre-hab day” 2 giant rounds of- 1) 4 way monster walks 50ft forward backward L side R side 2) plank crankers 1min plank 30sec side plank 30sec other side 1min...Read More
Congrats to our very own Doreen Manning who competed in the Dynamic Duo Comp this past weekend. The Scream Team crushed it!! WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Hang Power Clean WOD: (Daredee) 21-15-9 Burpees Over Bar DLs L1- 275/185 L2- 185/135 L3- 135/85, squat thrusts 10min CapRead More