
WORKOUT OF THE DAY STRENGTH: Bench Press Start your 5rm at around 5% less than your testing weight, and then ramp up. WOD: (The final element) 40-30-20-10 Med Ball Squat Clean Push-Up* TTB (1/2 the reps) L1-30/20, 1/2 Dips L2-20/14, KTE L3- Start at 30, 14/10, Knee, 1/2 V-Ups *Women go 30,21,15,8 on push ups...
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Q: What brought you in to CrossFit EXP? My wife and I were always trying different forms of exercise to get into shape. We came across an add for an EXP boot camp offer and decided to give it a shot.  I instantly fell in love with the workouts and intensity. Q: What was your...
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STRENGTH:NONE WOD (10 minutes of Heaven): Partner Wod 10min ME Burpee Box Jumps rest 3mins 10min ME SB Get-ups rest 3mins 10min ME D-unders L1- 24/20, 60/40, D-unders L2- Burpees, 40/20, D-unders L3- Burpees, 20/bw lunge, singles   Super Food September: Fermented Foods The trillions of tiny creatures living in our bodies have been making headlines...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD (100’s): Partner wod- 100 Box Jumps (24/20) 100 Burpees 100 Cal Row 100 DB Step-up (50/35) 100 Pull-ups (BW or Jump) Must finish 1 exercise before moving onto the next. Super Food September: Coconut Coconut and coconut oil are both high in medium-chain triglycerides, a type of beneficial fatty acid that can help...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD (Project): Partner Wod- Tire Drag 4 laps (45/35) 4 Rope Climbs SB Run 5 laps (60/40), together, alt laps 5 Rope Climbs Run 4 laps,alt 4 Rope Climbs L1- Ropes L2- Sit to stands (2:1 ratio) L3- V-rows Super Food September: Sweet Potatoes An incredibly satisfying vegetable, a four-ounce sweet potato holds more...
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STRENGTH: NONE WOD:(Pace Maker) With a partner,  relay style- 1) 10min AMRAP- 10/7 Cal Row 10/7 Push-ups rest 3mins 2) 10min AMRAP- 150ft Tire Drag (54/35) 150ft Farmers Carry (70/53) Rest 3mins 3) 10min AMRAP- 20 D-unders 20 Mt climbers (L+R=2)   Superfood September: Garlic Yes, it might leave breath less-than-desirable, but these cloves can...
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STRENGTH: Dead Lift  5rm (Test 4)   WOD:(You want to do what?) 10 Thrusters 10 Power Snatches x 5 Rds L1- 95/65 L2- 75/55 L3- 55/35 Superfood September: Pumpkin Loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, these gourds aren’t just for carving (or making into pie). The star nutrient here is beta-carotene, a provitamin that the body converts...
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STRENGTH: Bench Press 5rm (Test 3) WOD:(Runner, Runner) 1 mile Run 30 burpees 800m Run 20 burpees 400m Run 10 Burpees 20mins L1- rx L2- 4 laps, 2 laps, 1 lap L3- 3 laps, 1.5 laps, .5 lap, burpees 20-15-10   Superfood September: Beets This all-star veggie contains tons of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that can...
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STRENGTH: Back Squat 5rm (Test 1) WOD:(Grace and her cousin) Grace (Test 2) Rest until the 10min Mark, then start OTMEM Min 1- 15/ 12 pull-ups Min 2- 15/12 cals on BIke x 5 Rds 20mins L1- 135/95, 5/3 M-ups, 20/15 cals L2- 105/65, 15/12 cals L3- 75/45, 10/7 cals   Superfood September:  Egg  A relatively...
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STRENGTH: Snatch WOD:(Maker) 15min AMRAP 15 Wall Balls 15 Pull-ups 15 KB Swings L1- 30/20, 82/62 L2- 20/14, jumping, 70/44 L3- 14/10, V-row, 35/18 Super Food September: Green Tea  This ages-old health secret has been used as a natural remedy for everything from cancer to heart disease ! The secret to this delicious drink? Antioxidants!...
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